Congratulations Ouro Kronii on your First Year Anniversary! You've had your cheerful, funny, and rough moments throughout the year and we're all happy to experience it all with you! Many of us have been with you since day one, and look forward to supporting you even more for many years to come. To celebrate your first year with us, the Kronies all around the globe have decided to pull together our efforts and endeavors to bring you a webpage.

From day one you gave us the gifts of joy and laughter. You've had so many moments and experiences that are both memorable and treasured by all of us. Some of your goals have been achieved, and while some are still a work-in-progress, we all have confidence that you'll achieve all of them. Looking back, this past year has been a fun ride not just for you, but for all of us as well!
The Time Travel

Though all the Kronies praise and support you greatly, your Myth seniors and fellow CouncilRyS Holo-members all love and look up to you as much as all Kronies do. You sometimes might not hear them outright say these things, but they all know just how kindhearted, modest, and considerate you truly are. You are well loved and looked up to by all your peers.
The Holo-EN Family

Kronie Fan Cover (Teaser)
From Daydream's inception it is a song that's befitting of the Warden of Time. As such the Kronies have taken up the mantle to try their best to sing a cover of such a lovely song! We can never hope to sing it as perfectly as you, but we certainly tried our best in doing so!

Kronie Message Wall

Can’t believe it’s been a year, it somehow feels both longer and shorter than a year. I didn’t really have an oshi before so all of this has been an new experience for me. Being a part of this community and making friends with other Kronies, we all love and appreciate all you do. Thank you for being you. Here’s to another year our beloved Time Warden!
- AtomicPandaSlothΔ

HEY KRONII! Congrats on your first anniversary! I may not have been there when you first debuted but you were the first HoloLive member that I watched and I'm happy I got to witness your content! I love seeing you interact with the other girls and seeing you scream in fear! LMAO! I look forward to more of your content, enjoy your anniversary!!!
- eds

Ayo Kronii! Congratulations with your first anniversary! It's been a lot of fun watching and hearing you, you make my days happier just by talking or making puns lol. I really hope you already committed your wish of being happier as you said in your debut and if I manage to go to a convention meet and greet, I'll show you how to roll your Rs, anyways thanks for joining HoloLive and being a part of our lives.
- EuphoricOwl 140

Congrats! Our beloved Kronii. So glad that we can celebrate this meaningful event with you. You've cheered us up, and gave us Joy and Love in this year. Can't wait to see more of you in the future!
- Namgnok

- KuroshiYuzuha

You're very special Kronii. You are the most genuine person I have ever met. It's been a treasure getting to know you for the past year. My favorite Kronii moments are every second we spend with you, so I hope to spend more time with you in the coming years as well. I hope you stay happy and healthy forever.
- Rice A Ronii

To Our Beloved Ouro Kronii, here is my fanart for your 1 Year Anniversary! Congratulations and keep it up! You always make the day of 777k Kronies, (myself included) everyday! Thank you and take care of your self. We'll always love you! Congratulations Kronii! 💙⌛
- バンブーくん

Kronichiwa! What an amazing year it has been! Every week fun times are had with you and the Kronies. This year has been made special as not only you have grown, but the Kronies have all grown as well. Here is to all the fun times to come, KANPAI! But on a more personal note, thank you for hosting such a loving community. Your streams help to keep a level head in these times that are tough. The Sonic Adventure and Megaman X streams hit me with nostalgia like you would not believe. Not to mention all the new games you got me to like and try for myself. Please continue to be yourself and lets make more memories.
- Demon King Metal
Happy Anniversary Kronii! The past few months have been really enjoyable for us Kronies, thank you for gracing us with your gwaks and gap moe! We hope to listen to more from our favourite Time Warden.
- Esryn Ezekiel L. Kaius

Eyy Kronii, Happy 1 Year Anniversary!! It's been really fun spending this past year with you, I might not always show up on your chat or sometimes I might not be able to attend your streams because of school, time zones and other stuff, but I always try to catch up and watch the VODs. Your streams have been really entertaining and it made me happy when I had a bad day. Even on a normal day you always make me happy and I believe you've made others happy too! I still can't believe it has been a year since your debut! It feels like you've just debuted a few months ago. Well I hope we can celebrate more anniversaries together and have fun along the way. Once again Happy Anniversary Kronii, love you!

Hi Kronii! Congratulations on your One Year Anniversary! Its been so fun watching your content, keep up the good work!
- kuroo

Congratulations on the 1 year, Kronii! I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work, and amazing content you've made. It's been a blast watching everyone mess around and have fun together. Remember to take care of yourself and take as many breaks as you need! Cheers to Council's 1 year anniversary!
- Tasty T♡ast

I explored fan servers for EN this year and the Kronii's Clocktower group is one of the friendliest bunch of people I've met and can occasionally understand! That wouldn't be the case had you not appeared! So thanks! I hope to do more fan work in the future with varying...variety :D Here's my inspired version of you as Mumei's Suisei artwork.
- Chapmanly

Kronichiwassup Time Warden, Congratulations for making it to a full year at Hololive. I knew from the moment I saw your debut exactly who was going to be my oshi and I must say, it has been an incredible time. Hearing your sarcastic humor, your dark jokes, willingness to go along with the absurd, and your penchant for puns all lead to me following you from the beginning. Your chill and laidback demeanor makes every stream a relaxing and enjoyable experience and your banter with chat and the other members always leads to hilarious moments. Even though I lurk and don't type in chat, I always feel welcomed in your streams and have been there for every single one, and every single time I've come out with a smile on my face. You’ve managed to achieve some great things so far like releasing your own original song and providing some spectacular merch and I can't wait to see what you do next, whatever it may be.
Despite what you may say or think, you are genuinely one of the nicest people I have seen and it’s obvious you care deeply about the other members and your community as you always rush to apologize as soon as you can when you think you went too far. I’m sure you’ve created many great memories during your time so far, and I hope that you continue to make many more as you truly do deserve it Kronii. From the bottom of my heart, from where some feeling still remains, I truly thank you, for just being you. Now as my message ticks down to the last few words, I shall end this in a timely manner and say one last one thing before I clock out that I think you need to hear.
Okay, love you Kronii!
- Warleader
Hi Kronii~, Happy 1 Year Anniversary! I can't believe we've spent a year with you oh how time flies. It's been a blessing to watch your streams and see you share your passion and talents on the screen. I always love when I see you smile and laugh and it is always a treat to hear you speak Korean since I too speak the language. I look forward to see what's more to come in the future with you and the Kronies. Thank you for always making us happy and I hope we make you feel the same as well. Much love from one of your many Kronies, the mutt Bravo, BARK BARK BARK! 🐶 사랑해 크로니
- Bravo

Wow, time does flies a lot faster when we are having fun. Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary! Your hard work and growth are the best gifts that Kronies can receive. We are proud to call you our most beloved Warden of Time. Now, would you like a cookie? Grandma Corn got plenty for everyone!
- Corn In Butter

Hey Kronii, I have been subbed to you since the day
you were muted on twitter and I just wanted to say thank you so much for your content and for your live streams. It helped me get thru the rough year and I wouldn't have gotten the motivation to do work without having your content to cheer me up. Again thank you so much for doing what you're doing and I hope you will continue to become even more successful in the future.
- peppeloni

Congrats on one year since debut, Kronii!
Been amazing to watch you grow and I'm looking forward to seeing what is in store for you in the future. Much love as always, Warden.
- Kromefour

Happy Anniversary Kronii, it's been a year full
of gwaks, good moments and even better members movie watchalongs together and we can only daydream with all the good moments that are yet to come. Keep being amazing.
- Barajuste

Congratulations! Time has flown by quick and it's
been great watching your streams. Wishing all the best of luck in the future!!!
- mikachu05

Congrats Kronii for reaching the 1 year mark! Super proud of what you've accomplished! Looking forward to another year of laughs, memes, and simping :P
- Ymir

Hello Kronii, congrats to one year of streaming.
I hope to see more of your personality in the coming years, you're the one that made me fall in this rabbit hole even harder so you better take responsibility, looking forward to the Council and Hope Omocat merch. OTL
- wetsoosh

I just want to say thanks for everything and for being patient with all my down bad moments, that misteltoe during christmas holidays really changed everything, Being the kisser in the chat is really fun and being called out has been a fun running joke with you and the kronies (LMAO), thanks for being my oshi! Let's make more good memories.
- Yubi_Pucker

Congratulations Kronii! It's been a fun year of not
only smiles and laughs but also growth and honesty. I'm glad to be one of the Kromies supporting you to becoming a more confident and entertaining streamer! You really got into the hang of things over the year. All the banter we share really feels like the community is connected and I'm looking forward to seeing what we can do together! Onwards to year 2!
- Ztynz

Kronii, out of all of the Council members, I was drawn to you the most when I saw your debut. From the 1st gwak, to the 1st "Cortana" incident, I've been a Kronie. Can't wait to see what you've got planned for the future!
- ArenRen707

Thank you for funny and joyful streams. I happily enjoy them everyday thanks to you. Please take care and keep on having fun. I will always be rooting for you! Congratulations on your 1st anniversary!
- Mameng

It's weird to tell myself it's been one year of stuff already, and I'm glad to have been there to see a lot of it. Daydream has become a regular in my playlists, and I can't lie, there will always be moments from streams and vods that would bring a smile to my face, gwaks, you being an absolute mom to the chao during SA2. So much stuff happened in one year, and I'm eager for what the next has in store.
- SamGoesBy

Congrats on your 1 Year Anniversary. I am thankful we get to reach this milestone with you. Thank you for your efforts for the year, looking forward to more memories. Talking about memories, my favorite memory of you was when you threatened to ignore me after falling for my deez nutz joke. Hope you continue to shine bright dear warden and I am grateful and proud being able to call you my oshi. Let's continue to travel and have great adventures on this passage of time as a community .
- Emperor Spirits

Hello Kronii! Greetings from Brunei! Ever since your debut I have enjoyed watching your content and making fanart of you, my oshi. As a fan, I want to support you as much as I can throughout your journey with Hololive and the Kronies. Never stop being a perfect Time Warden!
- erasorpepero

Congrats on 1 year! The time sure flies eh? I'll give you the biggest compliment I can give anyone imo, and it's that you never fail to make me laugh. I also have to thank you for getting me into the Minecraft streams...just by messing around fixing the ceiling in the Bunkeronii farm or something like that of all things, lol. Since then I haven't missed a single EN Minecraft stream/vod. Also love any stream where you do voice acting or even just listening to you read stuff. Keep up the good work, hope year 2 treats you well, and thanks for all your hard work so far!
- Plagesama

Hi Kronii! Happy 1 year!! I hope you’re able to look back on many good memories this past year. I started watching your streams after a hard time in my life so I just wanted to thank you for giving me something to look forward to every week whether that be watching you stream live or watching your VODs. I truly appreciate you brightening up my day through your charming character. You're an extremely talented creator and my favorite voice to listen to (I can definitely say that with confidence).
Overall, thank you for being my comfort streamer and I can’t wait to see more content from you moving forward! Also, don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re doing great and us Kronies know it :)
Here to support you always,
- custard

Forgive me for being late to the party, but as a Kronie, already I love you. You're charming, funny, sweet, and I feel I can always connect with you when you talk. Thanks for always reaching out and playing all these great games with us, and know that you always have our support no matter what. Happy anniversary, Kronii! All the best,
- MiscDan64

Time Flys when you're having fun. I can't believe its been a year since you've joined Hololive, I'm glad to have stuck around with you and the community its been such an amazing time here and here's to many more great memories, anniversaries, birthday's and laughs. Thanks for being based and amazing Kronii.
- TrollingJugs

Congrats on your first year! The past year has been a roller coaster of events both good and bad and to be honest I haven't been around for all of it... But for the ones I have with your streams and the release of Daydream it has been an incredible year and seeing you improve little by little makes all the time worth it! Here's to a another year coming and hoping to see you keep doing best and improving!
- Juntal Calos

Happy Anniversary Kronii! It's been a hectic but fun
first year of activity with you, through the good and bad you've persisted and the effort has paid off with entertaining streams, funny memes, and a perfect Warden. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in the coming year (with hopefully less scuff this time around), I'll try to continue memeing and hopefully making you and the Kronies laugh to the best of my ability. Once again, Happy Anniversary, Kronii!
- Side Quest

Congratulations on your 1 Year Anniversary, Kronii!
The year has had many ups and downs for all of us, but the best part of it was being able to spend those times with you and the rest of the Kronies. You may want to deny it, but you've done a ton to inspire us all to do better. If you see this message, know that we love you lots! Don't be so hard on yourself. There is still a lot of room to grow as a streamer and I hope we can be there to take every step of it with you in the future.
- TopNepGear

In just 1 year we have made so many inside jokes and heartwarming moments. I think one of my favorite streams would have to be when we were designing the Kronies. I think you accomplished all the goals you made in your debut. You improved so much and it gave me motivation to improve myself as well. I can't wait for more fun times with you!
- Guysavage

It has been a joy to be along for the ride and self-improvement arc over the last year, and hyped to see what's next! Your humor and unique outlook are a treasure. Keep 'em up.
- Veeg

Happy anniversary to my favourite warden! This past year was a blast and you've helped me get through some tough times. I hope that we can celebrate many more years to come, but for now, one year is a huge achievement. However! Please make sure to take care of yourself first! Your mental and physical health will always be more important to us Kronies, so do not worry and take a good rest! The time spent with you and the Kronies will always be in my heart, and I will try my best to enjoy and remember these moments for the rest of my life.
Much love,
- Zero the Intoner

Happy Anni Kronii! I gotta say, it’s been a wild ride for the past year and I’d just like to say how glad I’ve gotten to know you better through all these streams. Love your many TeeTee moments with all the Council members, as well as your many hilarious GWAK and PON moments. I also love how you’re such a based meme queen, which allowed so many clippable moments that continues to make me giggle everyday.
Over the past year, there have been ups, and admittedly there have also been downs. But I think all of us Kronies can easily say that there’s been many positive changes for you overall since your debut, and we can clearly see that judging by how much fun you’re having in your streams. We hope for many more happy memorable moments to come that we all can continue to be a part of. Maybe this year, we can even see your 3D debut finally, in your full majestic glory and maximum power!
Alas, these next few months are going to be increasingly hectic for me due to work, so potentially I will not be able to make it to a good number of future streams. However, I’ll still be continuing to cheer you on from the sidelines, watch your VODs, and hopefully from time to time be able to drop by in a livestream. Love ya lots and keep up the excellent work! You make us all proud!
P.S. Would love to see a Krono & Boros karaoke stream too kthxbai :D
- Tunnelsnakes

Kronii, you are such an inspiration to so many people around the world. Your voice and personality are so beautiful and your streams have affected so many people including me. You deserve all the praise you get plus more. Happy Anniversary.
- the_bradler

Hey Kronii, it really has been a whole year with you. I've have been supporting you since you've debuted. I just want to thank you for this year you've spent with us. You are very lovely in many different ways. Your voice and demeanor portrayed a cool calm character. But I'm glad I was wrong on that, and seen the sides of you being sweet and how hard you work for us. You've brighten my days when you stream and made me laugh every time. It's always great getting to hear your more personal side sometimes, because it makes me and others feel special to be a fan and be supporting you. Likewise I feel I'm not good with words. But I hope this is enough to convey what I want to say. Thank you for the year with us and I'm a very happy you are a part of council and HoloLive. And I will continue to support you for as long as possible. I can't wait to see what you'll do in the future. With much love, from a Kromie and Time Apostle.
- Jay Hikari

Hi Kronii! Wow it's been a year already since your debut, fèlicitations! Thank you for all of your hard work this past months for making us laugh for all the fun things specially your gwaks. I like how you play horror games because I can hear your gwaks and watch you scream and then wait for it to get clipped lol! Also your OCD! I love how it got tested on your gameplay specially on Minecraft. And of course your original song DAYDREAM. It's a really amazing song. I really love it, I play to help me fall asleep at night and also when I go out. So pleased to see you accomplishing great things and best wishes for your next year! Looking forward to your 3D!
- Freyja

I'm so happy that you're the first V-tuber I've
seen in my life. I hope every moment will be filled
with a happy smile for you Kronii! Writing using a Papago can be awkward! I hope you have the happiest day in the world. Congratulations on your First Anniversary!
- 정세모

Congratulations on the 1 Year Anniversary Kronii! It’s been a fun year. Time do flies so fast when you're having fun. The first time I saw your debut I was instantly falling for your voice, and noticed how fluid your model is. I did watch a bit of all Holo EN but never really felt like having EN Oshi till now. I just liked them equally. At first you really sounded like a Prideful and Very Narcissist Confident person, but as the debut went on I can really tell that was not really the case. I really like the persona you're showing but still have the Gap of cuteness and Pon moment to it, and peak Kromedy. (All the puns)
Always love your singing voice, and when you sang “Butterfly” on the debut just solidify my love for ya. Hope we can also get more of your voice acting too in the future!
Your First stream of “12 Minutes” was like 2-3 AM on my time zones, that the first time I staying up watching an EN VTuber and I don't regret it one bit. It was really fun, and make me want to watch more and see the continuation of it. There’s also “Super Hot” that stream was the start of the Gwak moment that really shows your Gap even more. At this point I was so invested in watching your stream and tried to not miss any LIVE stream if I can.
You mention about not being a happy person on debut, but I hope you do become happier as a person now. When you do birthday stream along with the Kronies I feel so moved and included in a community. I’ll try to stay member as long as I can, been one since day one. It might not be much, but I’ll always try to support you if I can.
So many good memories. Here’s for more exciting years to come, please do take care of yourself. Love forever.
- Agiri

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Kronii! You're the sole
reason why my friend dragged me down this rabbit hole and broke all my leg bones so I can't escape. Heres to another year full of fun memories.
- an anonyronie

Congratulación Kronii for your 1st Anniversary, thanks for being so dedicated in your streams, you gave me a reason to keep moving forward. All the kronies wish you the best! We love you, keep the hard work kromedetou!
- Miausu

Man time sure flies, feels like a week ago I was watching the trailer videos for Holo Council and then zoom, just like that a whole year has passed, and while work keeps me from watching some of your streams, I still try to watch your streams when I can! But enough about me, it is been quite the year, and I hope you enjoy the things all the kronies have prepared for you! Much love from a French fella!
- Kasu

Kronichiwa! Hello and Salutations! It's crazy to think
it's been one year already! I just want to say thank you for lighting the spark to help me begin my journey of self improvement. I hope that in the near future I can share the results of my journey with you and the rest of my fellow Kromies! Other then that keep doing what you're doing and keep being awesome!
- Mirroran Nalian

Thank you Kronii for always making me laugh and
for always making my bad days a little bit better each time with your smile. Happy 1 Year Anniversary!
- Adrix

Already a year! It's been amazing seeing you grow
as a VTuber. You are so warm and brighten my day all the time. Looking forward to what you plan on doing for the next year!!
- Megu

Happy One Year Anniversary Kronii 💙 I often listen to your stream during work time. Thank you so much for the fun times you bring me! Please take care of yourself and I will always support you!
- weiki

Hey Kronii! Congratz on your 1 Year Anniversary, and what a year it's been. In such a short span of time you've managed to capture the hearts of me and many other kronies, and I can't wait to see what the future brings. I'm proud to call you my oshi and heres to many more years! Love forever!
- Derwishj

- Chi

Hi Kronii. Congratulations on your 1 Year
Anniversary!! Love catching your streams, and I look forward to more fun times with you and HoloLive. Lots of love from Sunny Singapore!
- Hatori

Hello Kronii, first of all congrats on 1 year! I'm so happy and proud for you!! I started watching VTubers about 6-8ish months ago (the time is not really clear due to going from place to place because of the military) and you were the first I started watching and have been ever since. Watching you has helped me get through a lot of tough times and I'm really glad to be apart of the kronies. I hope for many more years to come and the best on your future endeavors. Good luck and Happy 1 Year!
- XXXKenoDxD

Happy One Year Anniversary Kronii! Thanks for all the wonderful times you've given us so far! I can't wait to see another year with you in all our lives!
- Vating

You are my first oshi, and the reason why I went down the HoloLive rabbit hole. Thank you very much for pushing through, and for gracing us with your presence. I genuinely enjoy listening to your streams to the point that I listen to your vods during work - I hardly listen to music during work anymore lol. I am really glad about your growth, as my oshi, as a VTuber, and most of all, as a person. I'm hoping that this year's update to Kronii would bring about a new tier for Bond Level. Love you lots!
- vish

Congratulations on 1-Year of streaming, Kronii! Even though I joined late, I'm so glad to be one of your kronies! Your streams help me so much you don't even know. You'll always be my one true Oshii and an inspiration in my life. I wish you the best!
- SomeDingus

Happy 1-Year Anniversary Kronii!! I can't believe
it's already been 1 year since you debuted... Tho I've been pretty busy myself, I will always be grateful towards Kronii, your streams really helped me go through some tough times and for that I'm really thankful. I wish you all the good things in the world m'am, you truly deserved it! Stay safe!
- dorime

Happy One-Year Anniversary, Warden of Time that is the embodiment of perfection. It has been a few rough years for me but thanks to your amazing streams and your wonderful and lovely presence, I was able to pull through my darkest times so far. Thank you so much for what you have brought to my world. It means a lot to me and I'm sure the same goes for many other kronies. I hope you will keep doing what you like and love without feeling pressured by us kronies. Stay happy and stay healthy, you magnificent warden of perfection.
- Gwakk Kronicler

Thank you for being such an amazing and
entertaining streamer. You have a really unique personality that I personally resonate with a lot. Your deadpan humor, your calm voice and demeanor, and your more reserved personality compared to other members, are the aspects I love about you. Keep up the great work!
- TempoRamen

Congratulations Kronii on this milestone, always was
a fan since your debut but I truly became a dedicated one when I heard your version of santa baby during last year's christmas karaoke. Here's to hoping for more amazing moments in the future!(and more merch!!!)
- SneAKing

Hi Kronii, congrats for 1 Year Anniversary! It has
been a difficult year but every time I watch our beloved Time Warden it's like time "herself" stops for me. I really enjoy your streams even if I have to watch the vods due to time issues (I curse you timezones!). Keep being perfect as always, and even if not, we Kronies love you anyways.
- fistv

Hi Kronii! I don't have much of a message but I
wanted to say this. Thank you for doing your streams, they are a blast and honestly help me through some tough times. *budum chii* Anyways here's a cursed version of that message:
Hi Kwonii! I down't have much of a message but I wanted tuwu say thi-
- Larvey
(Project manager's note: rest of cursed version redacted for being too cursed, have a nice day :D)

Happy Anniversary Kronii, thanks for all the laughter and good times that you give us and I hope that in the future you continue giving us even more excellent unforgettable moments. I would have loved to be from your beginnings but I started a little late, but it was enough for me to like you. A Ghost has spoken to you and says: Gracias Kronii
- TiagoGhost

Hey Kronii, Happy Anniversary! 1 year eh? Glad to
hear it, I've probably rewritten this a lot already, but I suppose I'll word it like this. You're simply amazing Time Warden! Here's to hopefully even more years of you and your fellow Council members!
- ChangelingRosario

Its already been a year since you debuted and I hope
you feel you've accomplished a lot of your goals that you set for yourself. Its been a lot of fun watching your streams and how many clippable moments there has been. I hope you take better care of yourself and set a new goal of learning how to cook before your 2nd anniversary.
- Karona

Happy Anniversary! I've always loved Wada Arco's designs, and as such you're already easily one of my favorites of EN even before debut. But your voice and chill personality are just the cherry on top, and made me enjoy your streams a ton! Here's to another year of entertaining content, and prosperity to the Bunkeronii!
- Colouss

Kronii, even if you get filled with doubts and insecurities, about what's coming or happening, know you deserve this special day to sit, relax and account for all the amazing work you've done so far!! Congratulations!!
- Haus

Wishing you a wonderful anniversary. Thank you
for all the laughs, you are amazing!
- 93pikachu93

Congratulations Kronii! It's been a year and I'm
excited for what's to come. I want to thank you for keeping me company while I finished out my degree and got myself out of my toxic work environment. Thanks for bringing together an amazing community of supportive kromies, and we'll be with you every step of your journey. Love you warden, keep being great!
- Icycuda

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Kronii! I'm not good at writing english letters but I wanted to try my best. I wanted to thank you for all the fun and laughs you bring during your streams, the kronies are an amazing community that I love hanging with. Hope you continue to enjoy streaming. One of my favorite funny moments was the Fauna slap during the NOT Collab!
- StarMech

Hi, Kronii, I don't know if you will read this but your content has made me very happy over the past year. Happy First Anniversary, and I hope this will be the first of many that we celebrate together. Your streams are always a highlight of my day, even though I often miss them, I love watching the vods. I hope you have a wonderful 1st Anniversary!
- Lee.

Thank you so much for your content until now. Not gonna lie, pretty fun. I am without much words since I don't really write stuff, but I feel that at least I would have to say that your streams have been hella fun and that I enjoyed watching pretty much everything.
- Señor Parangutirimicuaro

I'm glad to have fallen into the rabbit hole right
before your debut. Your voice, cool AND cute demeanor is what made me subscribe to your channel. I'm proud to call you my first oshi. Your first year has been nothing short of amazing and I'm looking forward to see what you do in your 2nd year. Your love and passion you've shown in your streams, projects, and to your friends and community shows how much an amazing person you are. Never change Kronii
- Maid in Heaven

Congratulations Kronii for reaching 1 year! Here’s all the best wishes that you’ll reach another year and do the things you’ve wanted to do, we will all be here for you.
- A.Forsteri139

To the most beautiful beloved warden, Kronii who has given us many happy moments, a very Happy 1st Anniversary! Thank you for always making us laugh.
- Haypi

Thank you for those one year Kronii and Council!
Every single seconds I spent with Kronii and Kronies gonna be treasure for me. I hope you are a happy person now :)
- Spacetator

Congrats Kronii! You are an inspiration to me.
I aspire to be as cool as you and since classes are about to go back to normal, I'm terrified because I don't know if I can handle the new environment but I will try my best and hope I become as cool as you. Congrats Kronii!
- an anonyronie

Kroni happy anniversary te deseo siempre lo mejor y que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad
- Gombow

Ouro Kronii. One year went by, just like that. What
did you do??? Lol just kidding! I've had some of the
best times of my life watching you gwak, being cool AND cute, and being an amazing person in general. I can't wait to spend another year watching your streams! Thank you for being you.
- Umbreon

Happy 1st Anniversary, Kronii! Thank you for being
our benevolent always perfect Time Warden that gave us all the fun and joy for the past year! I wish you more amazing years and will be excitedly looking forward to what wonders you will do and whatever it is, we will always support and be there for you!
- St3ll4

Dearest Kronii,
A year has passed since your debut with Council and I have enjoyed every moment you made with the rest of HoloLive. You share a good vibe with the way you do your streams to both the Kronies watching live and those who watch the VOD. I don’t regret destroying my sleep schedule to watch you play games, sing songs, or just chat. The collabs you have done with other members of HoloLive have been enjoyable as well from early debuts with your fellow Council Members, to the mischief you create in Minecraft. I even commissioned someone to do art of you with Boros below. I look forward to another year filled with your content, more songs and whatever projects you have in store for the future. Us Kronies are proud to have a Warden like you.
Here’s to more Kronii!
- Jeke / foxaddict94

Congratulations on your anniversary Kronii, keep on doing all the amazing streams and collabs. Although I’m quite new to your channel I just wanna let you know that I love it all, especially the slap asmr off-collab with Mumei and Fauna lmao.
- edthecrazyboy

Happy 1st anniversary Kronii! Stay cool as you are. Everyone is supporting you. Love you!
- Sawako

Congrats on the anniversary Kronii! It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year with Council; everything has went by so quickly! I still think back to your debut where you said that you wanted to be a happy person. I can’t speak for you, but I know for a fact that I am happier because of your streams, and the community of Kronies that you have gathered. Here’s to one year and many more, kanpai!!!
- Boros is STRONG

Hi Kronii! It’s been over a year since you’ve debuted and I just wanna say that you are the most amazing and perfect warden out there! Keep up the good work! You work so hard to make us smile and laugh. So it’s our turn to do the same for you!
- seiso

Hi Kronii, seeing you go from an unhappy person in your debut to someone who smiles a lot now has also put a smile on my face. Seeing you interact with the community and your friends has always been the highlight for me, cheers to a year anniversary, let's have more fun this 2nd year!
- an anonyronie

Dear Kronii, you truly are the master of time, for a moment with you, even if its brief, gives me the happiness of a lifetime. To think I´ve only known you for a year destroys my perspective because to me you´ve always been there, I just had to find you, and yet I feel you found us. Thank you for everything and please continue amazing us with your perfection!
- Bjorn117

Congratulations Kronii on your 1 Year Anniversary! Seeing you stream so much while still being productive and going to the gym filled me with determination every time I tried to procrastinate for work, here's to more years to come!! I'll be looking forward to the 3D debut!
- Vulmpix

Congratulations Kronii on your first anniversary! Its has been a blast to watch your streams for the past year since your debut. You have given us many wonderful memories of you just having fun in games or while chatting, having good chemistry within HoloEN and HoloID as well as a lot of good memes and moments that are truly you. Thank you for giving your 100% into streaming, be it through unfortunate moments in Minecraft, games you are unfamiliar with like MegaMan, and the energy you bring to collabs not only on your channel but to others as well. Here's to the next year of streams being as adventurous, exciting, fun and eventful as the last. Stay healthy and have a good one!
- an anonyronie

Congrats Kronii on your 1 year anniversary! It's amazing to see how far you've come and the moments that you've created that will live on in the community from "kroniicopter", to funny moments with your fellow Council members, to "flower", to your collabs with various Holomems, and all the hilarious antics you get up to. It's heartwarming to see you happy and enjoying yourself as your happiness brings us viewers happiness so please continue to be the perfect being that you are and make more memories for us to look forward to.
- JexTexSSB

Kronii, I know you're not ambitious about numbers in your career as an idol, but I'd like to remind you that you have as many fans as the population of New Brunswick. We all love you for what you do and are very grateful to have you in our lives. It's been a year, but we're here for the long run! Congrats on one year and here's to many more!
- Grey - Kroniium Connoisseur

A year, Warden, a year full of happy and memorable moments that we shared together. When I saw you I was just trying to see what all this Hololive thing was. However, I didn't count the fact that I would simply be trapped by your personality and charm. I never thought I would be a part anybody's membership in YT, but I simply had to be a Kronie and I have not regretted even once all this time.
Cheers for a year and many more to come! Have confidence in your singing! Embrace your NPC fate in Minecraft and become a Goddess even more powerful than Moona or Pekora! Take the compliments Warden and be the shining light that leads Council! Maybe you didn't notice but all of Council looks up to you! Let the gap moe explode and give more gwaks! Train in your Mario Kart and Smash and never stop giving us Indie games! (Please check OTK Games EXPO which showed full indies that are amazing).
We love you and we will follow you no matter where you decide to go... so let's go for 1M subs (good luck with the chip challenge... please don't do it alone, it's dangerous). Don't stop until 3D and I can't wait until next HoloFest where you will shine even more! Thank you for being you and thank you for being in Hololive. My best wishes and congratulations, my Oshi.
- Neoshinji

My favorite thing about Kronii is the rare laugh she does when she thinks something is absolutely, gut-bustingly hilarious. A high-pitched and girly and cute, "Hee hee hee hee hee!" I know the Warden doesn't like being called cute, least of all to her face, but it's still true - she is - and I will gladly die on this hill. The gap moe between her usual attitude and her rare laugh is so powerful that it utterly obliterates my soul anytime it happens. They are the truest treasures to me as a Kronie.
- Flashburn

“I am not a happy person, but I would like to be happy.” I remember you saying this on your debut and it’s been a year since then, so I hope you’re happy and having fun with your senpais, kouhais, and the community that you created. I also want to take this opportunity to tell you that we admire you. You’re ambitious and hard working; you follow your passion, you do what it takes to constantly improve, and you don’t let others beat you down. Watching your content inspired me to be creative. I participated in theater plays, I voice acted for an animation that my friend made for a school event, I wrote several scripts for plays and films at school, I even did comedy with my friends lmao, and I wrote songs with my friends as well. I received admiration from my schoolmates as well as several awards and high grades. I’m still young, so I can’t really do much or give you any donations, I also can’t draw so I can’t make fanarts of you to show how much I appreciate you. I’ll be going to college soon and I look forward to watching your streams after a long day of studying or after a busy week. You’re genuinely nice, talented, and funny and I just really want you to get what you deserve, which is obviously all the greatest things in the world. I promise to donate when I find a job!
I wish you a happy one year anniversary. I hope one day you can stare at your bedroom ceiling and reminisce about happy memories, wake up feeling refreshed and happy after an unplanned nap, and continue your work with a clear mind after procrastinating! It's a bit of a weird wish for someone, but I think small things like these are the most important and cherished moments in a person’s life.
- Milliscent

I didn't think that TIME would be flying into 1 year anniversary like this. Congratulation dearest Kronii! After I have known Hololive and you since December 14th, last year, I have gained the new way in my life. I'm so sorry I can do only writing for you, but I wish you are happy everlasting. Sincerely.

Congratulations on the One Year Anniversary Kronii. Although I haven't been here from the start, it's been a very enjoyable stay with you and all the Kronies. It felt like it was only yesterday that I got baited into opening your Hollow Knight stream and falling down the rabbit hole. You were the first Vtuber I ever properly watched so you have to take responsibility now. I, however, must thank you for being the driving force and giving me the motivation to pull myself out of a slump in life, so I will be here to support you, no matter what, for all of time. I wish you the best for the indefinite future and to the many great times waiting for you. You deserve the best.
- Tosh

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Kronii! I feel like its been only 3-4 months since your debut, but its already been a year, woah! Time flies fast indeed when we enjoy the time we spent with you, and I hope you also had fun with us. Thank you for having us and we are also grateful that we got to meet an amazing time warden! You are kind, humble and talented and we will continue to cheer you on! Whatever challenges may arise, just know that we are here and we got your back! Happy 1 Year, and to many more years to come! Let's go!~
- coffee enjoyer

Congrats on making it through one year with the kronies! But for real, it’s crazy to think that a year has already passed. So much has happened and I wouldn’t trade a second for the world! It’s been an incredible year and I can’t wait to see what happens next year! Thank you for all the laughs and hours of fun you’ve given me and the kronies, you mean the world to us and I hope we can give you the same happiness you give us! Love ya Warden!
- Jonas Ranatza

Happy 1 Year Anniversary! I'm happy to walk together in your journey and I do hope everything will be even more fun going forward! Once again Happy 1 Year Anniversary Kronii!
- migzchi

- Honta

Kronichiwa Kronii. Its been a year hasn't it? Time sure flies fast and I can't believe its already been this long since you joined Hololive. You became my oshi the moment you debuted. You captivated me with your beautiful and elegant voice (and of course your perfection too). You've changed so much since your debut and you became more and more confident. I just wanna say that since your debut, you always gave us some encouraging words and that always made my day. You've become our guiding light and will always be. We'll always compliment each other (you cant really say no though) and thank you for everything you've done for us. Thank you for joining Hololive Kronii. Love you lots.
- Starblaster

Thanks for being always being perfect and making all our days just a bit better!
- MaximusMarty

Congrats on 1 year, Kronii! Although I've been following all of Hololive and other VTubers for nearly 2 years now, you were the first one that I immediately that I knew had to be my oshi. You took my first VTuber subscription, membership, and SC. The triple crown of my appreciation. And let's not forget my first ever daki that is soon-to-arrive. I have never bought something with so little hesitation in my life. All in all, thank you for everything and congrats again! Remember to take care of yourself and take breaks when needed because that also makes us happy.
- I_Am_Neon_Gaming

Hey~ Kronii, congrat for being stuck with us for 1 year... Just kidding. Congratulations for your 1st Year Anniversary! I know you don’t like this, but you really did help me find a way out of a slump. The past few months, undergoing some not that great experience, I was confused about life, kept asking myself why I can’t be happy like others. Luckily, the Members Philosophy stream discussions helped. One of my replies was ‘finding goal of life. BTW, thank you for reading it, it’s a treasured memory. I just joined membership couple days before that stream. It took a while to finish all of vods. Anyway, after that stream, I had made up my mind. I wanted to do something I'd really enjoy, not something forced. So, what’s it?
Thinking... thinking... DING! Yes, drawing! I like drawing stuff, even when studying for my masters degree (Sorry, professor). So, I started to practice, draw, and share my art on twitter, and people really liked them and this did make me feel great and confident. I am happy now. Just finding my way, and being productive. All I wanted to say is, these past few months have been the most fun I’ve had in a while. I always feel comfy when watching you stream. It makes me feel better when I’m feeling down. Thank you for showing up in my life, and giving confidence my way. And, I hope everything works well with you, and ganbare to all the stuff you are working on! This is my first digital art, hope you like it, and... First Year Anniversary Kromedetou!!!
- TenEleven

Happy Anniversary Kronii! I always try to find the time to watch your streams throughout the year and they always seem to put a smile on my face. You may not know it, but you always inspire me to work hard each day and your streams always seems to cheer me up in the toughest of times. I will always be a fellow Kronie and I will still watch your streams in the years to come. A year has past but this is only the beginning for our lovable Time Warden! Keep up the great work Kronii I will continue supporting you!
- Marie39Riolu

This year together feels like a DAYDREAM, it was a ride that I'll keep looking back on with a smile. Perfection doesn't come easy but we're with you for this ride, all the way.
- Jaywalker

I guess I should start off by saying congratulations on one whole year it's been a wild but very fun ride and I can't wait for many more years to come, we're all so proud of you Kronii, so thank you for being such a inspiration and a light in our lives. I've met so many cool people through this community and I couldn't be happier so keep being you and we'll keep being us. Love forever!
- KoalaJuice

Happy First Anniversary Ouro Kronii!
I can't believe it's been an entire year of laughs, memes, and GWAKs. I never thought I would become a dedicated fan of any HoloLive member, but when I saw your debut, I knew that I had found my favorite HoloLive talent. Seeing you grow as a streamer and as a person has been an incredible ride, and in the process, meeting a bunch of amazing friends who also call themselves kronies helped me grow as a person as well. Your interest in streaming very unique games such as SA2 and Pathologic, and your hilarious interactions with chat, are why I keep coming back to your streams again and again, along with your incredibly cultured taste in memes and jokes. Even despite all that, the fact the you are really a genuinely good person at heart makes you someone worth following. Thank you for everything Kronii, and happy anniversary! I can't wait for another fun year.
- Neomatrix

Hello Kronii! It's closing up on the one year anniversary, huh? Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a shining star in the lives of all of the Kronies and I. Your laugh is positively infectious and seeing your bright smile always brightened up my day no matter how hard it was. It is also exceedingly rare to meet someone who has such a genuinely kind and considerate heart like yours, and I am thankful that I got to see you flourish from your debut! Not to echo what has already been said, but your influence has been a key factor in my personal journey of self-betterment by providing the confidence I needed to keep going.
You and the rest of the HoloPro family have been wonderful to watch and I hope to keep supporting all of your guys' dreams for years to come in order to thank you all for saving not only my dreams, but others as well. The community that you've built up has become a second home for me where I was able to make lots of new friends with similar interests, and I am absolutely positive that goes for a lot of us in the Kronies. The last thing I can really say is this:
Always believe in yourself and what you want to do. Though there may be people who say otherwise, there is an overwhelming majority of us who want you to be yourself and we will wholeheartedly support that. I for one genuinely love the person you are and just want you to be happy and succeed. Please keep seeking happiness and cherish not only those around you, but yourself as well. You helped me find that in myself, so all I can hope for is that you either have found it as well or you are still actively seeking it. Thank you for everything Kronii, happy one year anniversary and I hope for many more down the line!
- Ninelie

Kronichiwa Kronii! I would like to congratulate you
and the Council on your 1 Year Anniversary. Thank you guys for such a wonderful year full of joy, exciting, and loving memories. I really like your personality, how you entertain us, makes us feel happy and how you're such a wonderful person to watch, I always have this grin on my face because whenever you start streaming I always feel so happy! Here's to more fun times ahead!
- Vev